Beyond Universe Wiki

The 2nd Archverse or the Arch-archverse is a very large and unthinkable plane in the Omniverse. It contains the Archverse and is contained by the Voidverse. It is also called an Archverse. The Voidverse or the Tedakaverse is the verse that the 2nd Archverse is contained in. It is a universe of the highest rank.

The 2nd Archverse is not a universe itself, is why it is a regular verse in the highest rank. 2nd Arch- is a prefix meaning "the highest", so that's why it is called a 2nd Archverse. The 2nd Archverse is like an archverse for the Archverse. Some say this is not the real one and the real one is the Archverse., but it's like the Arch-archverse.


Some civilization are controling this Verse. But in really, really strange Way of harvesting or containing it.

Usually Type 21-Type 39 Civilization Controling this Verse for Harvesting Or Research Purpose.

They Used some very, Very Strange Weapon or Machinary to explore this place because this Verse is a Very strange and Unstable Verse.
