Beyond Universe Wiki

Him is the creator of creators, destroyer of destroyers, leader of leaders, Everything. He’s so everything that everything is everything, everywhere, every time, every, all. That’s how every it gets. He watches over his creations. He tried to take over Existence during The Neverending War, but failed, and was chained to the core of a massive star for 1 trillion years. He escaped on the first day and has been in hiding ever since. 

Him right now is divided into 6 main pieces, each listed below. These pieces are the ones that make up your atoms, your cells, body, soul. Even consciousness. You are made of him. Currently, he resides in his capital galaxy, in an unknown corner of creation, probably on a beach (he's been a bit lazy recently).

Him's main 6 divisions are:

  • Googolploxio
  • Kreplin
  • Kriplin
  • Kraa
  • Kevin

His master is..... Bongus. Do not speak his name.
