An impostor is an entity that lives inside Susverses. Impostors are mostly carnivorous and eat crewmates, but can also eat vegetation like colonies of nulls if needed, although they usually don't do this because they sometimes need to float on colonies of nulls to prevent falling. The impostors appear nearly black which gives them extremely effective camoflogue in the black susverses. Impostors also have high intelligence, using tools made out of nulls, although they do not have high enough intelligence to form a civilization. Impostors are scattered throughtout susverses and will live in small groups of 5-10 individuals. There is an average population of {10,100,1,2} impostors in a given susverse.
Impostors are several-meter wide black cubes with a black rectangular nose, black eyes, a mouth with several thousands of black teeth inside, and a elephant-like rectangular trunk which is also black. None of these body features are discernible due to their camouflage and blackness.