A Megaverse is a 100th Layer of Transfinite Hyperverses. This Verse helps in sheer size to contain all the Overpowered verses below. The Megaverse contains Hyperverses, 50 kiloverses, 50 Hectoverses and the 100 Layers of Transfinite Hyperverses in the center. In this picture, each object that looks like a "galaxy" is actually a Hyperverse. The Megaverse has Absolute Infinite-sized Universes, Transfinite-sized Multiverses,
Even 25th Layered Tranfinite Metaverses! So basically, The Megaverse helps Transcend lower verses by tenfold! Oh forgive me, I forgot to say 99th Layered Transfinite Xenoverses. So now there are bigger smaller verses! Wait, Is there? Because of this, the Megaverse is said to be sacred, due to it being the first of the layers. In fact, it layers alot of verses!